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VB Message Box Help

Message Boxes

Message boxes can be used to provide information to the user, or to obtain a response when a decision has to be made. They can display a choice of different icons and various combinations of buttons.

This article describes the various different types of message boxes that can be created with VBA and explains how to program them. Much of the information here applies equally to all the Microsoft Office applications that can be programmed with VBA.

It concludes with an exercise using Excel in which several different kinds of message box are used, illustrating how message boxes can be used to inform and interact with the user.


Message Box Icons

Icons are a valuable addition to a message box, providing a visual cue to the user. Adding an icon can often mean that a simpler message is required. Four different icons are available:





The "Information" icon lets the user know that the message is providing information and requires no action other than an acknowledgement. The "Question" icon tells the user that they have to make a decision. The "Exclamation" and "Critical" icons display different levels of alarm. Only one icon can be displayed at a time.


Message Box Buttons

Six different combinations of buttons are available:







In addition, a "Help" button can be added to any of these button combinations:

vbYesNo + vbMsgBoxHelpButton


Programming message boxes

There are two aspects to programming a message box. One that merely serves to convey information will probably carry just an "OK" button and its programming consists of a specification of its design and its message. A message box that is designed to take some input from the user will have more than one button, and its programming will also include the interpreting and processing of the user's input.

A message box will close when the user clicks one of the buttons. The exception is the "Help" button which does not close the message box when clicked. Instead, its purpose is to display help to the user before they decide which button to click. If a Help button is used the programming must include information about where the help is located.

The Message box can accept up to 5 arguments but all except Prompt are optional:


The Prompt is the text of the message itself and should be enclosed in quotes ("). The message can be up to 1024 characters long. Although the text will automatically wrap within the message box, you can control the flow of text by inserting commands that force a new line (see: Multi-line Messages below).


The Buttons argument (optional) is used to specify the chosen combination of buttons to appear on the message box, as well as a choice of icons, and which button is to be the default. This information is supplied as VBA constants, a list of which appears when you enter the buttons argument. Choose more than one option by entering a plus sign (+) between constants, e.g.: vbYesNo + vbQuestion. If no buttons are specified the default vbOKOnly is displayed.


The Title argument (optional) is the text that appears in the title bar at the top of the message box and should be enclosed in quotes ("). The amount of text possible is limited by the width of the message box and depends upon your display settings. With normal Windows settings about 65 characters can be displayed.

Help File

If a Help button is displayed, this argument is used to specify the path to the relevant Help file. The user can also access this help by pressing the F1 function key whilst the message box is open (even if no Help button is used). This argument is used in combination with the Context argument.


The Context argument gives the location of the help within the help file specified in the previous argument. Both Help File and Context arguments are optional but if used, both arguments must be supplied.

Programming a Simple Information Message

Insert the code for the message box at the point in your procedure where the message is to appear.

1.      On a new line enter the word MsgBox and type a space. Help is displayed showing the various arguments required:

2.      Type the text of the message enclosed in quotes, followed by a comma and a space to display the list of choices, and scroll to the item you want to display:

3.      Double-click the item you want to insert, then type a comma and space and enter the text of the title in quotes:

As with all VBA code you should not finish a line of code with a comma. Typing a comma after the closing quote mark of the title would imply that you were going to supply another argument, and the Visual Basic Editor would display an error message if you then failed to do so.

The resulting message box looks like this:

If you want to skip one or more arguments, accepting the defaults, type commas to move you from one argument to another, but without entering an argument e.g.:

MsgBox "The macro is complete", , "Job done"

This code omits the choice of icon. The resulting message box looks like this:

Note that even though no button combination is specified, the default "OK" button is displayed.


Multi-line messages

The flow of message text can be controlled using special commands. This can be done in several ways, my preference being to use the vbCrLf constant. The message is split into sections, each enclosed in quotes, and the command inserted between the sections using the ampersand (&) character, e.g.:

MsgBox "The macro is complete." _
    & vbCrLf & "Please remember to save the file." _
    & vbCrLf & "Have a nice day!" _
    , vbInformation, "Job done"

The resulting message box looks like this:

The command can be doubled-up to create an empty line in the message, e.g.:

MsgBox "The macro is complete." _
    & vbCrLf & "Please remember to save the file." _
    & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Have a nice day!" _
    , vbInformation, "Job done"

The resulting message box looks like this:

Note how, in the previous code example, the code has been written on several lines using the space underscore combination ("   _") to denote a break in the code line. This has no bearing on the way the message box is displayed and is done to make the code easier to read, as is the indenting of code lines. Remember that code lines should not be broken between pairs of quote marks.

As an alternative to the vbCrLf (carriage return+line feed) command you can use vbCr (carriage return), vbLf (line feed), Chr(13) (carriage return), Chr(10) (line feed) or Chr(13) & Chr(10) (carriage return+line feed) commands. All essentially do the same thing although they may not work in the same way in all circumstances. Choose whichever you prefer.


Handling Multiple Buttons

When using multiple buttons it is necessary to process the user's response. When the user clicks one of the buttons a value equivalent to one of the VBA constants is returned is returned. There is one for each type of button:

VbOK = 1, vbCancel = 2, vbAbort =  3, vbRetry = 4, vbIgnore = 5, vbYes = 6, vbNo = 7

You can then refer to this response either by its numerical value or by its name. I prefer the latter as it is easier to understand when reading code. The value can be stored in a variable and evaluated with an If Statement or a Case Statement.

This example uses an If Statement to evaluate the user's response to determine whether or not to continue with the procedure of deleting the current worksheet:

Sub DeleteSheet()
Dim conResponse As VbMsgBoxResult
    conResponse = MsgBox("You are about to delete the current sheet." _
                  & vbCrLf & "Do you wish to continue?" _
                  , vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Are you sure?")
    If conResponse = vbNo
Then Exit Sub
    Application.DisplayAlerts =
    Application.DisplayAlerts =
End Sub

In the first line the variable is declared with the data type vbMsgBoxResult. This data type was introduced with Excel 2000. If you are using Excel 97 you could use String or Variant, or Integer if you were going to refer to the numeric value of the constants.

The next line places a value into the variable by displaying a message box (note the use of brackets enclosing the message box arguments. This is obligatory when MsgBox follows an equals (=) sign). The message box looks like this:

The If Statement checks to see if the user chose "No" and if so the macro exits, otherwise it continues (because if the user didn't choose "No" the must have chosen "Yes").

The line of code that deletes the active sheet is bracketed by commands to turn off, and then turn on alerts. This prevents the usual warning being displayed before the sheet is deleted. If you use this command to turn off alerts you must remember to include the command to turn them on again, otherwise no more warnings will be displayed until you restart Excel!

The next example uses a Case Statement to evaluate the user's response. The macro inserts the current date into the active cell, giving the user the choice of formatting the date. The user can choose "Yes", "No" or "Cancel". In this example the button choices are referred to by their numerical values.

Sub InsertDate()
Dim intResponse As Integer
    intResponse = MsgBox("Would you like the long date format?" _
                  , vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel, "Inserting the date...")
Select Case intResponse
Case 6    ' "Yes" chosen
            ActiveCell.Value = Format(Date, "dddd, dd mmmm yyyy")
Case 7    ' "No" chosen
            ActiveCell.Value = Date
Case 2    ' "Cancel" chosen
Exit Sub
End Select
With ActiveCell.Font
        .Bold =
        .Italic =
End With
End Sub

The first line declares the variable as an Integer. The next line places a value into the variable by displaying a message box. The message box looks like this:

The user's response (6 = "Yes", 7 = "No", 2 = "Cancel") is evaluated with a Case Statement which enters a date with or without formatting it according to the user's instruction. If the user clicks the "Cancel" button, the macro is cancelled without a date being entered. If they chose "Yes" or "No" it goes on to format the active cell's font.

NOTE: If the user presses the Escape key on their keyboard, it is the equivalent of clicking the "Cancel" button. The message box will close and any programming associated with this button will run.


Setting the default button

The Buttons argument of a message box can be used to specify which button is the default (i.e. already highlighted). This is useful where users are prone to hit the Enter key to quickly dismiss a message box without reading it, or where you want to prompt a user to make a particular choice. Most people quickly learn that, if they are not sure what to do next, pressing the default button is probably best.

If the code of the last example was modified as follows:

    intResponse = MsgBox("Would you like the long date format?" _
                  , vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel + vbDefaultButton3 _
                  , "Inserting the date...")

... the third button (vbDefaultButton3) would be the default and already highlighted when the message box appeared:

A message box can display up to four buttons, and any one can be designated the default.


Using the help button

The creation of custom help is an advanced topic involving the use of special help compiling software. If you want to create your own help you can use the tools supplied with Microsoft Office Developer Edition, download the tools from Microsoft's web site, or use one of the many third-party applications available (some of which are shareware or freeware).

You can, however, offer a link to the built-in help. When programming the "Help" button you need to supply two pieces of information: HelpFile (the name and location of the file that contains the help), and Context (an ID number – like a bookmark – to identify the individual help topic).

This information differs between versions of Excel. Excel 97 uses the old-style Windows help files (the main help file named Xlmain8.hlp); Excel 2000 and 2002 both use the newer HTML help files (named Xlmain9.chm and Xlmain10.chm respectively). You should check the location of these files on your particular installation.

To ascertain the Context ID of the appropriate bit of help is not so easy. Various authors have compiled helpful lists (for example see: In Excel 2000/2002 you can navigate to the desired help then right-click on the help page and choose View Source. Look for a reference to "Tnum" followed by a 6-digit number somewhere near the top of the source code.

The message box code in the last example, modified to include a help button linked to relevant help would look something like this:

intResponse = MsgBox("Would you like the long date format?" _
         , vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel + vbMsgBoxHelpButton _
         , "Inserting the date..." _
         , "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\1033\XLMAIN10.CHM" _
         , 5198679)

NOTE: When the "Help" button is clicked the message box remains open. All other buttons cause the message box to close when clicked.

Additional Features

Message boxes are Modal, meaning they are always "on top" of the active window. Two further constants can be applied to the message box: vbApplicationModal and vbSystemModal. All VBA message boxes are ApplicationModal by default. When a message box is open the user can not activate or work in the current program until the message box is closed. It is possible, however, to switch to other programs and work normally. If SystemModal is specified the message box remains on top even when switching to other programs, although it does not prevent the user from working in another program.

It is important to remember that, even when the display of a message box is the last action or a macro, the procedure is still running as long as the message box is open. When you are testing your code, you will find that an open message box will prevent you from working in the Visual Basic Editor.

Exercise: Message Boxes

This exercise demonstrates the use of VBA Message Boxes (and an Input Box) to interact with the user. Message boxes are used to gather and process information, and provide feedback to the user allowing them to control the running of a macro.

Although this exercise uses Excel, the techniques it uses can be applied equally to any Office program.

The exercise starts by adding data to an empty workbook. Then a basic macro is written, and gradually improved by adding user interaction.

Step 1: Prepare the Workbook

1.      Open Excel and in a new workbook. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+G to open the Go To dialog. You cursor will already be in the Reference box. Type: A1:A10000 and click OK. This selects the range A1:A10000.

2.      Do not click on the worksheet! Type the formula: =INT(RAND()*1001) and press Ctrl+Enter. The key press Ctrl+Enter gives the command Block Fill which fills the entire selection with the entry you typed. The formula has filled the selected range with random whole numbers between 1 and 1000.

3.      The range is still selected. Press Ctrl+C (or right click the selection and choose Copy), then right-click the selection and choose Paste Special (or go to Edit > Paste Special). Choose Values from the Paste Special dialog and click OK. Press Esc to cancel Copy Mode.

You have filled ten thousand cells in column A (from A1 to A10000) with random whole numbers between zero and 1000. The reason for using Paste Special was to remove the formulas behind the visible numbers. This is important because the RAND function is one of Excel's volatile functions, one which recalculates itself whenever the worksheet calculates. If you left the formulas in place the numbers would change each time another calculation was performed. Removing the formulas effectively "freezes" the numbers.

Step 2: Write the Basic Macro

This macro will loop through the column of numbers. When it finds a number larger that a specific value, the number is copied into the next column, making a continuous list of numbers.

4.      Open the Visual Basic Editor (Keys: Alt+F11). Locate and select the current workbook in the Project Explorer window and choose Insert > Module. In the new module's code window type:

Sub MessageDemo

and press Enter. The Visual Basic Editor adds the End Sub statement, placing your cursor in the empty line between the two statements.

5.      First, you need to declare the variables that will be used in the macro. Press Tab to indent your code and type:

Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Integer

6.      Add the following lines to set the value of both variables to zero:

i = 0
x = 0

7.      Add the line:


This starts the macro by making sure that the correct cell (A1) is selected. Cell A1 is now the Active Cell.

8.      Now type the loop code that does the main work of the macro:
  If ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Value > 900 Then
    ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Copy Destination:=ActiveCell.Offset(x, 1)
    x = x + 1
  End If

i = i + 1
Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0))

This procedure uses a Do...Loop Until loop to repeat the macro code until it finds an empty cell in column A. The data in column A contains no gaps so this method will loop through all the data.

The If Statement checks to see if a cell contains a value greater than 900. The cell that gets checked depends upon the value of the variable i. This is achieved by defining the cell's address location as ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0). The value if i is going to change each time the loop repeats. It starts with a value of zero, so the first cell to get checked is ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0) which is cell A1 itself (no offsets). The next cell is ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0) which is cell A2, and so on. Later in the loop the line i = i + 1 increments the value of the variable by one.

If the If Statement finds that the cell contains a suitable number, it copies the value to another cell using a similar method to decide its address. This uses the value of the variable x. The value of x is going to change each time a number is copied. This is done with the line x = x + 1. Note that x is inside the If Statement so its value is incremented only when a number is copied, unlike i which is incremented ever time the loop cycles. The value of x starts at zero, so the first cell to receive a number is ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) which is cell B1. The next cell is ActiveCell.Offset (0, 2) which is cell B2, and so on.

Step 3: Add a Confirmation Message

9.      Type the following line to display a confirmation message when the macro finishes:

MsgBox "The values have been copied to column B" _
       , vbInformation, "Macro Complete"

It is good practice to add confirmation messages to macros when it is not always obvious to the user that the macro has finished.

You finished code should look like this:

Sub MessageDemo()
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim x As Integer
  i = 0
  x = 0
    If ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Value > 900 Then
      ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Copy Destination:=ActiveCell.Offset(x, 1)
      x = x + 1
    End If
    i = i + 1
  Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0))
  MsgBox "The values have been copied to column B" _
         , vbInformation, "Macro Complete"
End Sub

Step 4: Test the Macro

This is a good time to check your code and test run the macro...

10.  First let the Visual Basic Editor carry out a check of the code by choosing Debug > Compile VBAProject. This causes the code compiler to perform a "dry run" of the macro. Whilst not completely infallible, this tool helps to locate any undeclared variables, spelling errors or other typos before running the macro for real.

11.  Switch to Excel and make sure that you are on the worksheet containing the column of numbers. Press Alt+F8 (or go to Tools > Macro > Macros) to open the Macros dialog and select MessageDemo. Click Run.
When the macro finishes click the OK button on the confirmation message box to close the box and terminate the macro.

12.  Clear the contents of column B, ready for the next test, but leave column A intact.

Step 5: Add a Timer

This step uses the VBA Timer function to calculate how long the macro takes to run. Timer returns the number of seconds since midnight. You will write code to make a note of this is value at the start of the macro, and again when the macro finishes, subtracting one from the other to give the total time elapsed.

You will code to message boxes. One will ask the user if they want to time the macro, the other will display the elapsed time.

13.  This procedure requires two new variables. Add the following lines after the existing variable declarations at the start of the macro:

Dim Response As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim StartTime As Double

If you are using Office 97, change
VbMessageBoxResult to Variant (the former VBA data type was not introduced until Office 2000).

14.  Add the following lines before the line Do (the start of the loop):

Response = MsgBox("Would you like to time this operation?", vbYesNo)
StartTime = Timer

The first line uses a "Yes/No" message box to put a value into the
Response variable. The second line makes a not of the time by placing the Timer value in the StartTime variable.

15.  Move to the end of the loop, to the line for the confirmation message box (MsgBox "The values have been copied... ) and type these additional lines so the result looks like this:

If Response = vbNo Then
  MsgBox "The values have been copied to column B" _
         , vbInformation, "Macro Complete"
  Exit Sub
End If

This code uses an If Statement to check the users response to the earlier message box asking whether they wanted to time the macro. The user's answer was stored in the
Response variable. If the user answered "No" they are shown the confirmation message and the macro is terminated with the line Exit Sub. If the user answered "Yes" the macro continues without displaying the confirmation message.

16.  Add this final line to the end of the macro to display a different confirmation message, showing how long the macro took:

MsgBox "The procedure took " & Timer - StartTime & " seconds." _
       , vbInformation, "Macro complete"


At this point your code should look like this:

Sub MessageDemo()
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim Response As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim StartTime As Double
  i = 0
  x = 0
  Response = MsgBox("Would you like to time this operation?", vbYesNo)
  StartTime = Timer
If ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Value > 900 Then
      ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Copy Destination:=ActiveCell.Offset(x, 1)
      x = x + 1
End If
    i = i + 1
Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0))
If Response = vbNo Then
    MsgBox "The values have been copied to column B" _
           , vbInformation, "Macro Complete"
Exit Sub
End If
  MsgBox "The procedure took " & Timer - StartTime & " seconds." _
     , vbInformation, "Macro complete"
End Sub

17.  Compile and test run the macro as before. This time you are asked a question at the start and shown a confirmation message at the end. The confirmation message you see depends upon your answer to the question.

Step 6: Add Statistics to the Confirmation Message

In this step you will ask the user if they want to see some macro statistics, by changing the confirmation message into a question. The variables i and x have recorded how many cells were checked and how many numbers were copied. These variables will form the basis of a message box that the user will see if they answer "Yes".

18.  Change the last line of the macro (the confirmation message) as follows:

Response = MsgBox("The procedure took " & Timer - StartTime _
           & " seconds." & vbCrLf _
           & "Would you like to see the statistics?" _
           , vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Macro complete")

There are several changes here. The message box is being used as a function to place a value into the
Response variable. You can reuse a variable as many times as you want, but take care to be aware of which value it is holding at any time. When MsgBox is used as a function (i.e. when it follows an equals sign) its arguments must be enclosed in brackets.

The icon has been changed to
vbQuestion and the box will display both "Yes" and "No" buttons, and a question has been added to the prompt.

19.  After the above lines, type the following If Statement which examines the response to the question about viewing statistics:

If Response = vbNo Then Exit Sub

This is an If Statement at its simplest. If the user answered "No" then the macro finishes, otherwise it continues.

20.  Finally, add code for a message box to display the macro statistics which are contained in the variables i and x:

MsgBox "The macro processed " & i & " rows." _
       & vbCrLf & x & " values were found." _
       , vbInformation, "Statistics"

At this point your code should look like this:

Sub MessageDemo()
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim Response As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim StartTime As Double
  i = 0
  x = 0
  Response = MsgBox("Would you like to time this operation?", vbYesNo)
  StartTime = Timer
If ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Value > 900 Then
      ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Copy Destination:=ActiveCell.Offset(x, 1)
      x = x + 1
End If
    i = i + 1
Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0))
If Response = vbNo Then
    MsgBox "The values have been copied to column B" _
           , vbInformation, "Macro Complete"
Exit Sub
End If
  Response = MsgBox("The procedure took " & Timer - StartTime _
             & " seconds." & vbCrLf _
             & "Would you like to see the statistics?" _
             , vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Macro complete")
If Response = vbNo Then Exit Sub
  MsgBox "The macro processed " & i & " rows." _
         & vbCrLf & x & " values were found." _
         , vbInformation, "Statistics"
End Sub

21.  Compile and test run the macro as before. If you answer "Yes" to the question about timing the macro at the start, you are shown the time taken when the macro concludes but this time the confirmation message also asks you if you want to see statistics. If you answer "Yes" again you will see a message showing the number of cells checked and values copied.

Step 7: Let the User Choose the Minimum Number

It is always a good thing to build into your macros as much flexibility as possible. Until now the macro has selected numbers greater than 900. In this step you will ask the user if they would like to specify a minimum number. To do this you will make use of a VBA Input Box, an object similar to the message box but which can receive a typed input from the user. If the user prefers not to choose a number the computer will choose a number at random and the user will be informed of its choice.

22.  This procedure needs another variable to hold the user's choice of number (or the computer's choice) so add the following variable declaration to the list at the beginning of the macro:

Dim MinNumber As Integer

23.  Enter the code to ask the user if they want to specify a minimum number. Their choice will be placed in the existing Response variable. It is safe to do this because the macro will have read the value before the variable is needed again. Type this code near the start of the macro, above the line Range("A1").Select :

Response = MsgBox("The computer can pick a number or you can." _
        & vbCrLf & "Would you like to choose a number yourself?" _
        , vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel, "Number required")

This message box will be the first one the user sees, so it includes a "Cancel" button that you will program to allow the user to cancel the macro.

24.  Immediately underneath the code you just typed, enter the following If Statement which will evaluate the users response to the message box and take three possible courses of action:

  If Response = vbCancel Then
    MsgBox "You chose to terminate the procedure." _
           & vbCrLf & "The worksheet has not been altered." _
           , vbInformation, "Macro cancelled"
    Exit Sub
  ElseIf Response = vbYes Then
    MinNumber = InputBox("The macro will look for numbers greater " _
         & "than the number you choose." _
         & vbCrLf & "Please enter a whole number between 1 and 999" _
         , "Enter a number")
    MinNumber = Int(Rnd * 1000)
    MsgBox "The computer chose " & MinNumber, vbInformation _
           , "Number chosen"
  End If

The If Statement has three conditions: "vbCancel", "vbYes" and "anything else" which by definition must mean "vbNo".

If the user chooses "Cancel" They are shown a message box which confirms that they have cancelled the macro. The macro is then cancelled with the line
Exit Sub.
If the user chooses "Yes" they are shown an input box inviting them to enter a number, which is stored in the
MinNumber variable.
If the user chooses "No" the command
Randomize initialises the random number generator before a random number is calculated and stored in the MinNumber variable. The user is then notified of the computer's choice of number.

25.  All that remains is to change the reference to a minimum number in the loop. Find the number 900 in the code of the loop and change it to the text MinNumber.

The code for the completed macro is shown on the next page.

26.  Compile and test run the macro as before. Then run the macro and explore all the different ways that is can be run by asking the user to make choices.

Further Refinements?

This exercise has not included any error handling. It is always important to anticipate any errors that might arise and write the code to deal with them. The most obvious errors would arise from the user making an invalid entry in the Input Box. If the user typed a text entry error 13 (type mismatch) would occur. If they typed a very large number (greater than 32767) error 6 (overflow) would occur.

Before distributing a macro like this you should include code to deal with errors like these, and notifying the user of their mistake. Error handling it the topic of another tutorial.

Final Code Listing for the MessageDemo Macro

The completed macro should look like this:

Sub MessageDemo()
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim Response As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim StartTime As Double
Dim MinNumber As Integer
  i = 0
  x = 0
  Response = MsgBox("The computer can pick a number or you can." _
        & vbCrLf & "Would you like to choose a number yourself?" _
        , vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel, "Number required")
If Response = vbCancel Then
    MsgBox "You chose to terminate the procedure." _
           & vbCrLf & "The worksheet has not been altered." _
           , vbInformation, "Macro cancelled"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Response = vbYes Then
    MinNumber = InputBox("The macro will look for numbers greater " _
          & "than the number you choose." _
          & vbCrLf & "Please enter a whole number between 1 and 999" _
          , "Enter a number")
    MinNumber = Int(Rnd * 1000)
    MsgBox "The computer chose " & MinNumber, vbInformation _
           , "Number chosen"
End If
  Response = MsgBox("Would you like to time this operation?", vbYesNo)
  StartTime = Timer
If ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Value > MinNumber Then
      ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Copy Destination:=ActiveCell.Offset(x, 1)
      x = x + 1
End If
    i = i + 1
Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0))
If Response = vbNo Then
    MsgBox "The values have been copied to column B" _
           , vbInformation, "Macro Complete"
Exit Sub
End If
  Response = MsgBox("The procedure took " & Timer - StartTime _
         & " seconds." & vbCrLf _
         & "Would you like to see the statistics?" _
         , vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Macro complete")
If Response = vbNo Then Exit Sub
  MsgBox "The macro processed " & i & " rows." _
         & vbCrLf & x & " values were found." _
         , vbInformation, "Statistics"
End Sub

Last updated:3/7/2025

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